RV Guides

Life-Saving Antibiotics for RV Emergency Preparedness

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned while living and traveling full time in an RV is that it’s essential to be prepared for anything.

This includes having a well-stocked first aid kit, rescue and repair supplies, a backup supply of food and water, and oral antibiotics in case of a life-threatening infection.

However, obtaining life-saving medicine can be a challenge in the event of a major natural disaster or global pandemic, and with the world on the verge of chaos, having a supply of antibiotics on hand can literally be a matter of life and death in an emergency situation.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best oral antibiotics for your emergency kit, as well as how to obtain legal and prescribed antibiotics. 

Affiliate Disclaimer: This post was made possible by Jase Medical LLC – all opinions are always my own and never influenced by any relationships I may have with companies or products that are given free to review so I can provide my honest feedback on.

Medical Disclaimer: Please do not consider anything within this article as medical advice. It’s just research-based information designed purely to help people like yourself make informed decisions when choosing what kinds of products to purchase. 

What Are Emergency Antibiotics? 

Emergency antibiotics are powerful drugs used to treat life-threatening bacterial infections when there is no time to wait for a diagnosis from a doctor.

They work by killing the bacteria or preventing them from reproducing. They must be given as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms. 

While emergency antibiotics can save lives, they must be used judiciously, as they can also lead to the development of antibiotic resistance. This is when bacteria develop the ability to survive even in the presence of antibiotics.

That’s why you should only use antibiotics in an emergency situation, when they are truly necessary. 

What Infections Might Need Antibiotics? 

Antibiotics are one of the most critical tools in the medical arsenal, capable of treating a wide range of bacterial infections. During a disaster, access to antibiotics may be limited. You should educate yourself on the types of infections that may require prescribed medication in order to prioritize treatment. 

Some of the most common bacterial infections that may require an antibiotic prescriptions include:

  • Pneumonia
  • Infected cuts
  • Animal bites
  • Food poisoning
  • Salmonella 

Other less common but still potentially serious infections include:

  • Urinary tract infections
  • Tooth infections
  • Ear infections
  • Strep throat
  • Sinusitis

Antibiotics can also be used in cases of bioterrorism and treat:

  • Anthrax
  • Plague
  • Tularemia

In general, any infection that is caused by bacteria has the potential to become serious. 

However, antibiotics are not effective against viruses, so they should not be used to treat a viral infection. Antibiotics are also not recommended for treating minor infections, such as a cold or the flu. 

If There Is a Natural Disaster or Crisis, Which Antibiotics Should Be Stocked?

In the aftermath of a natural disaster or other crisis, people may find themselves without access to modern medical care to treat a wound, and they risk possible infections from bacteria-borne illnesses.

There are different types of antibiotics, and they work in different ways. Some antibiotics work by killing the bacteria, while others just prevent the bacteria from growing.

The choice of antibiotic will depend on the particular situation, but it is important to remember that not all antibiotics are effective against all types of bacteria.

Here are five of the best life-saving antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Azithromycin
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Doxycycline 
  • Metronidazole

How to Get Prescription Antibiotics for Survival Kit 

There are a variety of reasons why someone might want to be self-reliant and get on board with stockpiling antibiotics.

Perhaps they live in a rural area and it would take some time to access medical care in the event of an injury. Or maybe they just want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario or an unforeseen eventuality. Whatever the reason, it is important to choose the right antibiotics to stockpile.

A great way to have all the antibiotics you need in one place is from a licensed pharmacy medication delivery service by Jase Medical, a company that sells an emergency antibiotic case called The Jase Case.

The emergency antibiotic kit from Jase Case comes with everything you need to fight common infections, including:

  • Amoxicillin-clavulanate—28 tablets (875 mg)
  • Azithromycin—6 tablets (250 mg)
  • Ciprofloxacin—28 tablets (500 mg)
  • Doxycycline—120 capsules (100 mg)
  • Metronidazole—30 tablets (500 mg)
  • A carrying case so it’s easy to take this kit with you wherever you go.
  • Helpful emergency antibiotic guide created by medical professionals that explains how to use their prescriptions and what to do if an infection occurs. 

If you don’t have a supply of emergency antibiotics, make sure to get one as soon as possible. It could literally be a life-saving decision when medical care is not available when you are in need. 

Steps to Ordering Your Own Jase Case Emergency Antibiotics Kit

Jase Case uses board-certified physicians in their provider network to fill prescriptions, so you can be sure you’re getting the best possible care. To be eligible for Jase, you must be 18 or older, have a current driver’s license, and live in the United States or Canada.

Additionally, it is required that a health care provider has seen you for a general exam within the past two years. While their physicians are not meant to replace your primary care provider, they can provide you with the essential Prescription services you need.

Getting your own Jase Case Emergency Antibiotics Kit is easy and straightforward. The whole process from start to finish took me less than 10 minutes:

Step 1: Go to Jase Medical and fill out some medical questions.

Step 2: Enter your shipping information and choose a payment method.

Step 3: Snap a picture of your driver’s license and upload it.

Step 4: Review your order and submit it for processing. An email will be sent to you within 24 hours if your application has been approved.

Jase Case will then ship your kit directly to your home, so you’ll be prepared for anything.

Once you have received your antibiotics, it is important to follow the dosage instructions carefully. The Jase Medical Antibiotic Guide offers a PDF download that provides step-by-step instructions for taking your medication.

In an Emergency, How Do I Know Which Antibiotics to Use?

Recent advancements in the availability and capability of telemedicine have made it easier than ever for patients to get the guidance they need about which medications may be appropriate for treating an infection.

Jase Medical has taken advantage of this technology by offering a service that allows patients to consult with a health care provider when they purchase an emergency antibiotic case. This service can be extremely helpful when it is not possible to contact a medical professional in person. 

How To Store Antibiotics

Antibiotics are delicate drugs that can be easily degraded by improper storage. 

Ideally, antibiotics should be stored in cool temperatures in a dark, dry place. High temperatures and exposure to light can break down the active ingredients in antibiotics, rendering them ineffective. In addition, moisture can damage antibiotics and promote the growth of bacteria.

By storing antibiotics in the proper conditions, we can help to ensure that they remain safe and effective for years to come.

What Is the Shelf-Life of Antibiotics? 

While it’s true that most medications lose potency over time, this process is much slower with antibiotics. In general, most antibiotics are effective for at least one to two years after their expiration date.

When it comes to emergency medical supplies, shelf-life is a critical consideration. That’s why the team at Jase Medical has carefully selected each of the antibiotics in their emergency case. All of the prescription medications antibiotics included have a long shelf-life, so you can be confident that they will still be effective even if they’ve been sitting on a shelf for years.

And because none of them degrade into toxic compounds, you can be sure that they are safe to use even after extended storage. 

Stock up on Antibiotics in Case of Emergency 

In today’s world, we often take for granted that we will always have access to basic medications and medical supplies. We assume that in the event of a disaster or other emergency, we can simply go to the hospital or pharmacy and obtain the prescription medications we need. 

However, this is not always the case. With most of our antibiotics and other medications coming from factories in foreign countries, it wouldn’t take much to disrupt the flow of essential drugs. 

So when Jase Case reached out about their kit, which contains the most essential prescription medications I would need in an event of an emergency, I quickly said yes. I also love that it comes with a comprehensive guide that explains how to use each medication. This way, I know I will have access to the supplies I need to keep myself and my family safe. 

I feel much better knowing that I have this kit in my RV, and I would encourage everyone to consider getting one for themselves! 

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    1. If you’re in the U.S. and looking to pick up a Jase Case, you’re looking at a cost of $269.95. That kit is meant to have all you need for emergency antibiotic treatment for one person. If you’re in Canada, the price is a bit steeper at $349.95 USD. Just a heads-up, it looks like the price might be going up soon, so you might want to grab one while you can! You can order here!

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